
Blue. Or maybe sort of a deep violet, like when the sun is setting in the desert sky. Yeah. That's how she feels. Not quite sad or depressed. Just kind of in the feels of it all with a touch of alone sprinkled with a fine dusting of "damn, I wish the sun would come…

Women I Admire

Today is International Women's Day, where we honor women who have made amazing contributions to the world.  Of course, we have the usual honorees, such as Frida Kahlo, Harriet Tubman, Marie Curie, Benazir Bhutto, Michelle Obama, Eleanor Roosevelt, Hanan Ashrawi,  Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mary McLeod Bethune, and so many, many, more. But I want to…

Conversations Inside My Head and Out

Daughter:  I can't believe that I'm going to graduate high school in only seventy-one days. Me:  WHAT?! InternalMe:  WHAT?! WHERE DID THE TIME GO?  I'VE LOOKED FORWARD TO THESE YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP AND SHOPPING AND HUGS AND COFFEE AND SHARED INTERESTS AND TV TOGETHER. HAS IT BEEN FOUR YEARS ALREADY?!  Daughter:  Yeah, I can't wait.  I…

2017…Weirdly Wonderful; Sadly Joyful

This is the time that most writers (and you know, us wannabe-writers) sit back and reflect on the year as it winds down. So, in an effort to continue my aspiring writer efforts, I'll do that today.  No, you don't need to go get another coffee, sandwich or bottle of booze.  My life is pretty…

My Secret to Survival

I would never intentionally harm anyone or destroy personal property. But I sometimes dream about it, in small day-dream bursts and then I pop back to my reality a few seconds later and laugh and deal with the shit in front of me like an adult instead of a cartoon character. But man. Wouldn't that…

It Doesn’t Mean I Don’t Love You

When a woman decides to leave the business world to stay at home and take care of her family, it is a huge decision.  Sometimes men, and even some women, think that it is a choice that these women come to quite easily; that it is their "nature" to be in the home raising the…

XX Year Anniversary of XXIX

I woke up to that awesome "wall of guitars" this morning.  I was intrigued, yet slightly annoyed, that someone was in my bedroom playing a hauntingly echoing version of Metallica's "Enter Sandman" while I slept.  Then I remembered that I had changed my ringtone on my cellphone the other day.  So I pulled my phone…

The Secret of Us

This past Sunday my mom texted me at 11:45 p.m. and told me, "Happy Anniversary!"  There was a meme attached with floating red hearts.  It was very sweet.  I know how she must have felt relieved that she got us the message before midnight...just under the deadline.  I got out of bed and walked down…

Today Should be an International Holiday

So, the solar eclipse of 2017 here in North Texas sort of resembled a greenish-brown pre-tornado overcast sky.  I was not impressed. Of course, I would have been had I lived in Oregon.  But you know.  I don't.  I live near Six Flags and Globe Life Park where the Texas Rangers play...oh, and that stupid-looking…