Like most of the "popular vote," our family mourned the election results on November 9, 2016. My 11 year old niece was in tears, asking my sister, "But how could HE be elected? He's mean. How could America elect a bully to be our next President?" Indeed. She wasn't the only kid to react this…

Overbooking and Aging

I'm not really old. But I'm no Spring chicken, either. And for those of us who have been in the "over achiever" category all our lives, this whole aging thing is just ass-kicking. No, not a little tiring. I mean, beat-down with a baseball bat, friggin' leaving you taking 3-hour naps in the middle of…

Now That I Can Breathe Without Tears

This was my post on Facebook the day following the tragic and brutal assassination of five police officers just 20 miles east of me in Dallas. I thought I would share it here and then expand: "I spent the better part of last night with my ear glued to the radio. I feel like a…

Egypt Update: 22 FEB Tuesday

Well, life for OUR family was more of the same ole, same ole.....BUT the Chief of the Military Council finally came on the air and made a really long-winded statement in which he said that he accepted the resignation of the Cabinet. He's not stepping down. The military has no desire to extend the military…

URGENT Update on Egypt Situation

Hey. I don't know what's being covered in the US right now as far as the demonstrations and clashes starting up again here.....but it's true. Tomorrowthey are calling for a "Million Man March" and there are already thousands inTahrir Square in Cairo and all across the country gearing up. The people are protesting that we're still under…

The Weather Has Changed, but Has the Climate?

There was patience and grumbling under breath for more than thirty years. Everyone knew that the sunshine was killed by a dark and shadowing cloud. That cloud gathered smaller gray clouds around it, becoming one huge black sky that had no silver lining. Occasionally when it would line itself with the silver of freer climates…

Thank God

I saw tonight on the news that the Rebel Forces in Libyahave taken most of Tripoli and cut Qaddafi's troops supplylines and access to the coast and into Tunisia today. I wasso happy. The may be the beginning of the end of Qaddafi's40+ years of tyranny and this 6-month war to oust him.While Egypt's revolution…

Apologies and Announcements

Apologies first, to all my dedicated readers (both of you) for the delay in getting back on here.We moved into this apartment 6 weeks ago and while I did get the computer set up within thefirst week, we had issues with the internet provider and then mid-term exams and then, as I'msure NO ONE on…