When I was Ten…

...I was in the 6th grade in Weierhof, Germany. I was the youngest in my class because I'd skipped first grade. My teacher was Mrs. Smith. She wore her hair very short and had big glasses and wore brightly colored polyester pants suits with lovely print scarves around her neck and hot pink lipstick. She…

Phase 2: Complete.

So I completed my radiation therapy a week ago tomorrow. Thank God. I didn't think my skin could handle much more. I have been piling on the silver sulfadiazine creme to help the burn heal faster and to alleviate the pain. It's starting to peel now, like a bad sunburn from wearing only the right…

I Can Do This.

Every two hours like clockwork I wake up to pee. Weirdly, I have to have a sip of water before I get out of bed and race to the bathroom in a frantic duck-walk or I won't be able to blow my nose. Dehydration sucks. It started when I crossed that line into "borderline diabetes"…

Welcome, Fall…But These Hotflashes!

Dude! I am actually wearing a sweater today. (A jumper for you British readers.) It's bright red and knit with acrylic yarn and it was a gift from my bonus mom. (She likes me to wear bright colors and thinks I wear too much black. It matches perfectly with my black scarf with the red…

The C-Word

Being a SAHM is really not just about playing with your small children, looking up fabulous recipes on Pinterest, and sweeping up Cheerios from under the couch. While I have done all of the above as a SAHM, I'm telling you that it's truly a juggling act of many full-time jobs rolled into one with…

Ten Years is Not Enough

Last week the former Dallas police officer, Amber Guyger, was sentenced to ten years in prison for the murder of her upstairs neighbor, Botham Jean, when she went into his apartment, allegedly thinking it was her own, and shot him dead on his couch while he was eating ice cream. The initial conviction ten days…


Blue. Or maybe sort of a deep violet, like when the sun is setting in the desert sky. Yeah. That's how she feels. Not quite sad or depressed. Just kind of in the feels of it all with a touch of alone sprinkled with a fine dusting of "damn, I wish the sun would come…

Winter Road Trip

We added another city to our "TEXAS: The European Tour" list. We drove to Odessa. Okay, we drove through Odessa. We bought gas in Odessa. We really wanted to go to the Meteor Crater Museum in Odessa. But after driving nearly two miles down that lonely stretch of road out in the middle of nowhere,…

Lazy Daze

I have fallen into a rut it. Or so it would seem. I haven't written anything in well over a month. I wish that I could say it was because I've been busy with NaNoWriMo and that I'm almost finished with my novel. That would be an outright lie. (Although I did start working on…

But I Still Feel 25 Inside

So, I'll be celebrating the 21st anniversary of my 29th birthday this month. Oh, yeah. And I'm quite happy with most of my choices over the years that have helped shape me into the person I am today. I'm a pretty okay with me as a human. My mind is pretty sharp and I have…