Women I Admire

Today is International Women's Day, where we honor women who have made amazing contributions to the world.  Of course, we have the usual honorees, such as Frida Kahlo, Harriet Tubman, Marie Curie, Benazir Bhutto, Michelle Obama, Eleanor Roosevelt, Hanan Ashrawi,  Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mary McLeod Bethune, and so many, many, more. But I want to…

Welcome Home, Hero. Rest in Peace.

This was not the first military funeral I had attended.  It was the first time I'd been to any funeral that took place 76 years after the deceased had died.  This young man, a kid the same age as my third of five children, has finally made it home to be put to rest with…

Prom Season is Upon Us

I'm not going to lie to you. We NEED money. Hosting a prom each year is expensive. But STARRY NIGHT PROM is doing everything in its power to continue keeping this event cost-free for the Arlington ISD high school students with significant disabilities and their chaperone. It truly isn't easy. But here's how you can help.…

6 Days Left

These are STARRY NIGHT PROM goodie bags from our 2015 prom. These customized backpacks were donated to us by the Elks Lodge #2114 in Arlington, Texas. We stuffed them full of swag for each of our attendees; AISD High School students with significant disabilities. The swag included a customized Starry Night Prom 20-ounce cup, pens, pencils,…

The Beauty in Asking for Help

We got off to a late start again this year. Several of us had medical issues that affected our family lives that sort of forced us to put Starry Night Prom fundraising on the back burner. But it's become known to us as "the little Prom that could" and it can. I started promoting our…